Friday, September 26, 2008

Interesting Organics

Hmmm... I stumbled accross this today.

It's called Organic To Go and it's a cafe featuring certifiable organic foods and such. Now why I say this is interesting, is it hits on a controversial, back of the mind subconscious type of feeling. My very first instinct was how the look of this cafe cheapened what "organic" means to me.

Well, what DOES organic mean to me, I thought. The reason I attribute classy or high quality to it is because generally it is so expensive due to it's less mainstream demand.

What we keep saying, is that eventually organic may become the expected, the norm, or the implied, and as a demand becomes greater for it, the costs will go down, and hopefully everyone can benefit from the differientiating effects of organic vs not.

So it was easy to quickly put myself in check and say "well great, more organic available to the masses, that's a GOOD thing!"

See for yourselves and see what your initial reaction was...

By Tracy Kinnaman


Anonymous said...

I totally agree. The look of the logo doesn't fit what I would have designed either. But maybe that's the goal of the bridge the gap and make it more "use-friendly". I love your website and plan on visiting your store in the near future. I also would love to take some of your workshops and possibly hire you to do a redesign of my house. Thanks for providing such a wonderful place for people to come and also comment. Pam Stuart

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.