Monday, September 29, 2008

Clothing Designers, Tell Me This Please!?!?

Why do you make pants soooooo long, and who are they for? I'm conflicted on who wants to pay $80.00 for pj's that they need to take to the tailor...

We've started becoming very picky now about pants. I understand that tall people need pants too. And I know models are tall and make the pants look good.

But they sure don't make me look good! Good for a smile though : )

Friday, September 26, 2008

Interesting Organics

Hmmm... I stumbled accross this today.

It's called Organic To Go and it's a cafe featuring certifiable organic foods and such. Now why I say this is interesting, is it hits on a controversial, back of the mind subconscious type of feeling. My very first instinct was how the look of this cafe cheapened what "organic" means to me.

Well, what DOES organic mean to me, I thought. The reason I attribute classy or high quality to it is because generally it is so expensive due to it's less mainstream demand.

What we keep saying, is that eventually organic may become the expected, the norm, or the implied, and as a demand becomes greater for it, the costs will go down, and hopefully everyone can benefit from the differientiating effects of organic vs not.

So it was easy to quickly put myself in check and say "well great, more organic available to the masses, that's a GOOD thing!"

See for yourselves and see what your initial reaction was...

By Tracy Kinnaman

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Once again I sit and stare at an empty blog screen. I FEEL like writing, but I don't feel much else. Let's see where I go...

Where is everybody these days? I am sporting one of our new Organic Cotton Dresses by Haley K and it really feels good. Do you notice that much of a difference in the feel of organic cotton vs regular? I swear I do, but then I wonder if it is all in my head.

It's like I feel as though I can breathe in it and I just feel.... better. And it just feels softer. Probably because I envision a cotton plant all natural in the sunlight, then I envision one covered in pesticide spray and I think it effects me subconsciously. But I really do think it feels lovely.

What have you noticed?

By Tracy Kinnaman

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I really love this time of year.  Normally I am sad to see summer go, but since this year had such weird weather at the coast (I live in Oceanside) I am more excited than ever for fall.  Cliche I know, but I like when the very few trees with leaves change color, the nights get brisk, and the chances of me seeing a sunrise are a lot greater.

Have you ever seen the Tom Hanks Meg Ryan movie "You've Got Mail"?  It's one of my all time favorites and it shows the seasons so well.  Not in a pushy or even artistic way, but it's always made me want to live somewhere else for a while to experience those seasons in a big city.  Of course, visiting NYC as often as I do, I guess I get it a little.  Let's not talk about how that movie ends though, being the small independent store we are  : /

So although this picture is on our homepage, I just like it so much I'm posting it here too!  When I walk by the front door at work and I peer in, it just says "Fall is arriving!  A new season for a new start..."

By Tracy Kinnaman

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Blog About What Exactly?

Well I came to the blog today, with nothing in particular on my mind to say.  I guess that is one of the great things about the blog.  Is it here for me to exclaim my happy moments in the day or share my bad ones?  Is it here for me to complain?  Can I write about a new product we're undecided on?  What about ask you all for your opinions on something?  Would anyone write back?  Let's test it out...

Question for all you blog readers and At Home shoppers - We now have an area in the back of the store called "Workshop".  In our store we have some very creative and talented people.  My mom Marie, the expert interior redesigner  for 20 years, featured on HGTV for 10... good job mom!  We have my brother Brian, fabulous artist, musician, and now aspiring author.  His wife Paz, extremely creative in the graphic design and apparel areas.  And then me, Tracy, the um....QuickBooks specialist! (Exciting I know)  It's been interesting working with three right brainers, as a left brainer myself, and we've decided it's finally time to capitalize on all that creativity.  

The Workshop!

We've devised this area to offer our community classes, workshops, seminars, and the likes on various aspects of the right brain.  But this is where I want your input.  What would YOU like to see?  

Marie can offer a wide array of redesign workshops such as how to set a great holiday table, hanging art, arranging furniture in a new way, even things like creating a fresh flower arrangement, planning a party menu or themed event (she's SO good at that), I mean the things she could show us go on and on.  I'm hoping for a sewing class personally.

Brian and Paz have a ton to offer as well, as both of them studied the arts at many different colleges (Brian even went to France and Ireland art schools).  Would you like to see craft classes?  Art discussions?  Music performances?  

Now as for me, I could offer you....  how to organize a right brainer!  Sounds fun, eh?  

We also are reaching out to the community to say, if YOU have a talent you'd like to show others, let us know!  Maybe there is a place for you in our workshop series!

I'd like your opinions on what kinds of things would interest you, the times to meet, is a 6 week series once a week too much? Or would you want a class once a month?  I need feedback, so let's see if this works : )

Thanks everyone!

If you don't feel comfortable commenting, please drop me an email

By: Tracy Kinnaman