Friday, October 10, 2008

Why is natural so expensive?

The age old question... Why do we have to pay so much more for something if it is all natural? Shouldn't it be cheaper?  First of all it's important to distinguish the difference between something that claims to be natural and something certifiably so.  

I've been thinking about it and it all comes down to economies of scale and the fact that the majority of companies who care about actual recycled products or organic things, happen to be producing on a comparatively tiny scale to supply the tiny amount of consumers who are thinking along with them.  Another general characteristic the eco-friendly producer is that they tend to care a bit more about working conditions, being they either make things themselves, in their close area, or abroad with fair trade principles.  

...All things leading up to a more expensive item vs a less expensive one.  Someone could be making something completely all natural, not using the expensive additives, but still consider the r&d that has to go into creating a product that is high quality and sustainable withOUT all the shortcuts that artificial additives provide?  Not to mention the rigorous and expensive processes of becoming certified organic.

I still agree that there are some things that should be less expensive.. the bottom line?  The more we want it, the more affordable it will become : )

Written by: Tracy Kinnaman

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