Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Once again I sit and stare at an empty blog screen. I FEEL like writing, but I don't feel much else. Let's see where I go...

Where is everybody these days? I am sporting one of our new Organic Cotton Dresses by Haley K and it really feels good. Do you notice that much of a difference in the feel of organic cotton vs regular? I swear I do, but then I wonder if it is all in my head.

It's like I feel as though I can breathe in it and I just feel.... better. And it just feels softer. Probably because I envision a cotton plant all natural in the sunlight, then I envision one covered in pesticide spray and I think it effects me subconsciously. But I really do think it feels lovely.

What have you noticed?

By Tracy Kinnaman

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What if we didn't have cotton? My iron would be on those funky settings.