Of course we are not proponents of a quick cycle through of seasonal impulse buys either, but there is a middle ground we can stand on. And the cool thing? We've got a great use for your husband's old tried and true shirts.
Marie has been making aprons from cast away men's clothing. Sometimes she will use a women's skirt too, I mean really, the garment you choose can be anything at all!
The thing I like best is if you have any clothes you don't want to part with, but know it's time to recycle or that you don't wear, you can still have them in this new way. I think they're simply awesome.
Here are some that she's made and sold already.

Everything about these aprons are recycled. The detailing, the buttons, the ties. Sweet!
So if you decide you want a great gift or reuse of some of old time favorites, let us know and we'll see what Marie can conjure up!